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Transparency in political funding – budgeted receipts for popular vote of 9 June 2024 are available

10 / 05 / 2024

News - Transparency political funding

Four proposals are to be put to a popular vote on 9 June 2024. The estimated receipts are now available and have been published in the electronic reporting register of the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO). The SFAO always publishes the information 30 days before federal popular votes.

Total volume of donations subject to reporting obligations amounts to CHF 10 million

For the four proposals, political actors reported to the SFAO a total of 15 campaigns with budgeted receipts totalling CHF 10,15 million. The largest funds are budgeted for the amendment to the “Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources” at CHF 5,44 million.

The advocates have CHF 4,15 million at their disposal, while the opponents of the proposal anticipate an inflow of funds of CHF 1,3 million. Slightly less money will be used for the vote on the “Cost-Brake Initiative” at CHF 2,84 million, and the “Premium Relief Initiative” at CHF 1,81 million. The chart provides a detailed overview.

The highest budgets of all campaigns were reported by the multi-actor committee “2x Nein zu den Gesundheitsinitiativen” coming in at around CHF 2,06 million and the “Allianz für eine sichere Stromversorgung” advocacy campaign at CHF 2,02 million.

economiesuisse makes major donation of CHF 2 million against healthcare initiatives

The largest disclosed individual donation was made by economiesuisse. It is campaigning against the two healthcare initiatives with a total of CHF 2,00 million. The doctors’ organisation FMH is contributing CHF 0,50 million against the “Cost-Brake Initiative”. Further substantial donations have been reported by those supporting the vote on the amendment to the “Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources”: WWF with CHF 0,36 million and the three electricity companies Axpo, Alpiq, BKW as well as the Association of Swiss Electricity Companies VSE with CHF 0,25 million each. The Swiss Energy Foundation also contributed CHF 0,97 million for their campaign. The Swiss People’s Party (SVP) supports the vote on the amendment to the “Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources” with CHF 0,50 million and the Foundation Franz Weber with CHF 0,40 million of its own funds.

The SFAO will publish an overview of the final figures for the vote of 9 June 2024 and the updated list of the political actors subjected to a material audit on 23 August 2024.