Bern, 17 May 2024 – The final reported receipts are available for voting campaigns of the popular
votes on 3 March 2024. They are greater than the budgeted figures disclosed before the ballot. The
Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) conducted material audits of four campaigns for these popular
votes and published a corresponding list.
Intense voting campaign led to higher final receipts
The final reported figures of CHF 8,28 million are 36% higher than the budgeted receipts of
CHF 6,10 million published 30 days before the votes. The main campaign opposing the “Initiative for
a 13th OASI pension payment” generated the most funds at CHF 3,96 million. The final accounts are
published in the electronic reporting register. The budgeted figures for the two initiatives put to a
popular vote (Initiative for a 13th OASI pension payment and Pensions Initiative) on 3 March 2024
were submitted by 18 January 2024.
New campaigns were audited
The SFAO audited four of the seven campaigns in total. In terms of monetary value, the audits
covered 92% of the total receipts. The SFAO is not authorised to provide information on the findings.
The list of audited political actors has been updated.