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Supervision of casinos and gambling

Federal Gaming Board

Key facts

The Gambling Act of 29 September 2017 (GamblA) – which authorises online gambling – came into force on 1 January 2019. The new law was passed on 10 June 2018 with 73% of votes in favour. 21 casinos offer physical gambling throughout Switzerland, and 11 of these also offer online gambling. A casino must have a licence for both types of gambling. The Federal Gaming Board (FGB) monitors these establishments through inspections and data analysis, and it also levies a tax on the gross gambling revenue of each casino. In 2021, approximately CHF 275 million was paid to the FGB, of which CHF 26 million went to the cantons, while the remainder went to finance AHV. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) examined the effectiveness of the supervision of the FGB, its organisation and the cost-efficiency aspects of this supervision.