Start / Reports / IT projects / sfao-16429

Audit of the former key ICT project ASALneu and the new IT strategy for unemployment insurance – Report addressed to the Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Fund

Key facts

In 2013, the company CSC Switzerland (CSC) was asked to overhaul the technologically outdated system for the payment of unemployment benefits (ASAL) in a technical 1:1 migration. In 2015, the key ICT project for overhauling this payment system, ASALneu, was at a crossroads.1 At the end of June 2015, the Supervisory Commission for the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) discontinued the ASALneu project. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) audited the former key ICT project and found that the discontinuation had been performed in a structured and understandable manner. They consider the envisaged new orientation to be expedient.