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Swiss Federal Audit Office’s priorities for 2019

16 / 01 / 2019

Press release

The Finance Delegation of the Federal Assembly and the Federal Council have acknowledged the 2019 annual programme of the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO). This programme is drawn up independently. It covers major financial and reputational risks in the supervision area.

In 2019, SFAO employees will work on more than 160 audits. Thanks to its hundred or so employees, the SFAO will carry out audits of financial statements, evaluations as well as reviews of the procurement of goods and services. Around 60 reports will be published. This drive for transparency has been a priority since 2014. The SFAO has actively published over 200 audit reports since then.

The preparation of the SFAO’s annual audit programme is the result of constant reflection on the financial and reputational risks which the Confederation, the Federal Administration and its units assume. Over the years, this risk analysis has helped to identify more complex audit items which often involve several players.

In 2019, the teams at the SFAO will examine, amongst others, the vehicle and driver approval process, the sustainability of regional policy tax relief, the effectiveness of the precious metals control and technical facility management, and, of course, the key ICT projects of the Confederation. Outside the Administration, audits will be carried out at the SBB, RUAG, Switzerland Tourism, Skyguide and Swisscom.

Evaluations will be carried out on potential synergies between disability insurance, unemployment insurance and social assistance when looking for employers as well as consular services abroad. Reviews of construction and renovation projects as well as procurement and operating processes will also feature in the work of the SFAO’s employees.

In December 2018, the Federal Assembly confirmed its confidence in the SFAO’s work. Its budget for 2019 is CHF 27.7 million.