Request for registration
Are you or your organisation leading a campaign that is subject to the duty of disclosure? To obtain access to the electronic register, political actors are required to register in advance. Start the registration process here.
Request documents for registration
The following are subject to disclosure obligations and are therefore political actors within the meaning of the regulations on transparency in political funding:
- Campaign leaders as natural person, juristic person or partnership, including joint campaign leaders, in federal votes and elections (Art. 76c PRA)
- Political parties and non-party members of the Federal Assembly (Art. 76b PRA)
Request registration documents for:
"*" indicates required fields
What’s next?
You will receive a confirmation email with information on how to proceed. For security reasons, the request form will be sent by post within the next days. The SFAO provides a Q&A and a manual for the initial setup of the login and usage of the electronic register.