Two proposals were put to the vote on 22 September 2024. Campaigners who spent more than CHF 50,000 had to disclose their funding. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) publishes the final figures reported by the campaign managers in the electronic reporting register 75 days after each popular vote.
The definitive receipts reported for the proposals put to a popular vote total CHF 11.89 million. This is 7% above the budgeted figures published 30 days before the voting date.

The SFAO audited a total of 6 of the 13 campaigns reported. In terms of value, these checks covered 84% of total receipts for all campaigns. The list of people and organisations audited has been updated. The SFAO is not authorised to provide information on the audit findings.
The political actors are responsible for the accuracy of the information disclosed.