What is the SFAO?

We oversee the federal finances and are its supreme financial supervisory body. We act independently and our work serves the Federal Assembly, Federal Council and taxpayers.

What makes up our DNA?

We take good care of a wide variety of topics. Every year, we conduct over 150 audits and publish over half of the reports. We oversee the Federal Administration, Parliamentary Services, the federal courts, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority and the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland, among others. The SFAO also audits recipients of federal subsidies and companies in which the Confederation has a majority shareholding. The SFAO is also the Federal Administration’s contact point for whistleblowers and receives a large number of reports every year. It maintains an excellent international network within the community of supreme audit institutions. It promotes joint audits and dialogue with the cantonal audit offices. Click here to go to our area of supervision.

Five values guide us in our daily work. We want to create added value for our auditees. We maintain an open and fair relationship with them. We work according to recognised principles and methods, because professionalism is an indispensable prerequisite for fulfilling our mandate. We do not stand still, but encourage and demand innovation; new knowledge and its application in our procedures and methods ensures that our audit approach is always at the cutting edge. We agree measurable targets and express ourselves openly and clearly, because leadership is important to us. Collaboration within the teams is central: we create an environment that favours teamwork. Find out more about our strategy and values here.

Many years of experience allow us to recognise today’s risks and those of tomorrow. The Swiss Federal Audit Office was not created yesterday. It is almost as old as the federal state. Just like the Confederation, it has changed over the decades and adapted to new tasks. We have delved into the archives and this timeline will tell you more about our history.